What is  Ovarian Cyst?

An ovarian cyst is any collection of fluid, surrounded by a very thin wall, within an ovary and this is known by the different ovarian cyst symptoms (these are list below). Any ovarian follicle that is larger than about two centimeters is termed an ovarian cyst. An ovarian cyst can be as small as a pea, or larger than a cantaloupe.

Most ovarian cysts are functional in nature, and harmless (benign). In the US, ovarian cysts are found in nearly all pre-menopausal women, and in up to 14.8% of postmenopausal women. The incidence of ovarian carcinoma is approximately 15 cases per 100,000 women per year.

Ovarian cysts affect women of all ages. They occur most often, however, during a woman's childbearing years.

Some ovarian cysts cause problems, such as bleeding and pain. Surgery may be required to remove cysts larger than 5 centimeters in diameter (about the size of a tennis ball).

Ovarian Cyst Symptoms

Some or all of the following symptoms may be present, though it is possible not to experience any symptoms:

    * Dull aching, or severe, sudden, and sharp pain or discomfort in the lower abdomen (one or both sides), pelvis, vagina, lower back, or thighs; pain may be constant or intermittent -- this is the most common symptom
    * Fullness, heaviness, pressure, swelling, or bloating in the abdomen
    * Breast tenderness
    * Pain during or shortly after beginning or end of menstrual period.
    * Irregular periods, or abnormal uterine bleeding or spotting
    * Change in frequency or ease of urination (such as inability to fully empty the bladder), or difficulty with bowel movements due to pressure on adjacent pelvic anatomy
    * Weight gain
    * Nausea or vomiting
    * Fatigue
    * Infertility
    * Increased level of hair growth
    * Increased facial hair or body hair

There are a lot of ways to treating and curing this medical problem but really the most effective and cost realistic treatment is by use of natural means. Click the link below to learn the 'How to' of the natural, most effective way Click Here!


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(culled from Wiki)




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